Saturday, October 25, 2025
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Peel back the mystery of anxiety and disarm its power in your life!
In this seminar, we’ll learn anxiety’s purpose, function, why it’s beneficial to us, and most importantly how to listen to it and respond accordingly.
Forget everything you thought you knew, and together let’s unmask and expose anxiety and find out how to use it to your advantage.
Individual Registration: $50.
Couple registration: $75.
This event is offered in-person and via Zoom.
Meet the speakers
The Director of Healing the Heart Ministry, Cherie Anthony, is an ordained pastor who has been an Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer Minister for nearly three decades. Cherie’s welcoming heart for people is multigenerational; she ministers to the pre-born, children, teens, adults, couples, and families. Her constant hope is to lead others to the heart of Jesus, releasing them into freedom, identity, and destiny.
Cherie has been trained at and has taught Elijah House Basic, Elijah House Advanced, and Theophostic Ministry. Cherie assists in teaching Loved to Life I, II, and III. She currently collaborates with other team members in teaching Parenting by Design and Trauma to Transformation. She has written and taught various seminars, including Blessing Babies in the Womb and Ministering to the Hearts of Children.
Jen has been a student of Healing the Heart since 2016 and a team member since 2023. Over those years she has combined the teachings and principles from Healing the Heart with countless additional resources to equip herself in exposing anxiety and disarming its power in her own life. Jen is excited to share what she has learned with others in hopes that they will be able to apply what they learn and step into freedom!